Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Joe Gerstandt - Business Case For Diversity

Part 1:
Part 2:

These are great videos which briefly explain why culture diversity in business should be appreciated. It is not something has to be done, moreover it is something that will cause success. Diversity in the workplace helps in getting different point of view and different talent. Most importantly it should be done, as Gerstandt stated, "in a healthy and functional way".

Before the end of part 2, Gerstandt mentioned that everyone has a tendency to seek for people like them thinking they are making a difference. This brings me to my question: How do we keep a healthy and functional environment to practice and succeed in creating diversity in the workplace?

From my own experience I think that it is very important to:
1. Treat everyone the same. The workplace's policy applies to every single one without exception.
2. Be fair when preparing the schedule. Shift rotation is a great solution, and if that is not applicable then just stick to what you promised when you hired the employee, for example if they asked for morning shift during the interview and you said yes, you can't just change your mind without confirming with the employee.
3. Give equal work to everyone - also apply in treating everyone the same.

that's all I can think of, if you would like to add any please do so by commenting back.

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