May be you have heard of it and my be not, this book is essential for business people and entrepreneurs but it is a great addition to anyone's knowledge and library, "Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands: how to do business in 60 countries" by
Terri Morrison and
Wayne A. Conway. It scans each country in terms of backgrounds, business practice and protocols.
After the book had hit a 100,000 sales, the authors had wrote a second edition from it. They also added a couple for a single countries, for example Asia, Latin America and Europe. In addition, they wrote one for Sales and Marketing only which is a guide to what to do and to avoid in any given sales or marketing situation from Argentina to South Africa.
In my opinion this book is offers a great advice especially in our diverse world. It gives a helpful tips in how to deal with the other side whether its in business or just in regular day, for example: a "thumbs up" sing in US means "O.K" in Australia it is considered rude. I would give it a four out of five for two reason: 1. some countries are missing. 2. since 60 countries are mentioned in one book, not everything is covered therefore it would be great to expand and update each country on a separate book.
Anyone out there like to share another great book to learn and brows which will help in our diverse world?? Also what do you think about his one? and what do you give it out of five and why?
I agree this is a great book from your description and would certainly like to read it. What I appreciate is that you give your opinion and rating saying it is a great book on one hand howver, on the other hand it does not incorporate every country.